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A neutral cue facilitates detection of a visual target by modulating attention Biol. Res.
Twelve rats were trained to perform a two-choice visual detection task in which a right or left light was presented and the animáis were required to press the lever located under the illuminated light for a food reward. In seventy percent of the triáis the target light was preceded by presentation of a neutral cue (a central light). Relevance of the neutral cue for detection of the target was analyzed by comparing behavioral Índices of attention in its presence and absence. Accuracy was significantly higher in presence than in absence of the neutral cue, while mean response latencies were lower in presence than in absence of the neutral cue. These results indicate that the animáis allocated attentional resources on the target detection during a high...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Alerting effect; Attention; Detection task; Expectancy; Neutral cue; Rat.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relevance of a neutral cue in a two-choice detection task in the rat Biol. Res.
Relevance of a neutral cue for performance in a two-choice visuospatial detection task was examined. Nine rats were trained, 5 with short intertrial interval (ITI) and 4 with long ITI, to detect a target (lateral lights) presented after a neutral-cue (central light). The removal of the neutral-cue decreased accuracy and increased response latencies and omissions. These results demonstrate that a neutral-cue, preceding the target, is relevant for the performance, suggesting that rats are highly expectant during the neutral-cue and reallocate attentional resources during ITI. Furthermore, latencies were higher, omissions were lower and the fall of accuracy was greater for rats with long than with short ITI, which could indicate that the neutral-cue was more...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Attention; Expectancy; Neutral cue; Attentional task; Rat.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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